What's New
In Sunday's Gospel, Jesus tells the religious authorities who are warning him against Herod's wrath that he "desire[s] to gather [Jerusalem's] children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings." Such a beautifully maternal image - come and hear what it has to say to us today.
Service Bulletin
Worship Online on YouTube
Why not commit to God by engaging in a new spiritual practice this year?
Week 1 Prayers
Week 2 Prayers
This Week's Wishes:
Looking for drivers to give lifts to and from church to a couple who live near Bank & Heron.
Come Journey With Us
Epiphany is an Anglican community called to love God and our neighbours as ourselves. Join us for Sunday service, in person at 1290 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa. You can also worship online on Facebook or YouTube.
Are you new? Visit About Epiphany to find out what to expect at services and Get Involved to learn about Sunday school, adult education and volunteer opportunities.
Welcome from our Incumbent (Senior Pastor), the Rev. Simone Hurkmans
A Vibrant Community for Every Season of Your Life

- Baptisms, confirmations, marriages, funerals, celebrations of life
- Sunday school
- Youth group
- Adult Christian education
- Music (choir and worship band)
- Pastoral services (pastoral visits, home Communion)
- Prayer list (contact us to get your name added)
Holy Week at Epiphany
Palm Sunday, April 13, 8:30 and 10:30 am
Maundy Thursday, April 17, 7 pm
Prayer Vigil, April 17 to 18 (between Maundy Thursday and Good Friday services)
Good Friday, April 18, 10:30 am (with children’s programming)
Easter Sunday, April 20, 6:30 am (sunrise service) and 10:30 am
Giving to Epiphany
How to give
- E-transfer to epiphanyanglican@gmail.com (no password needed)
- All Year Round giving: sign up for monthly automatic withdrawals by emailing the church office
- Via CanadaHelps
Contact us
Phone: 613-746-9278
Email: office@epiphanyanglican.ca
Address: 1290 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa, ON K1J 1H5
Office hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, 10 am to 1 pm
Phone or email for an appointment
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