Epiphany Anglican Church


What's New

Last Sunday, July 21
This Sunday, July 28
The Tenth Sunday after Pentecost

We are blessed that Canon Pat Johnston will lead our Sunday service as we continue with one service at 9:30 am. We begin a number of weeks fondly called "The Summer of Bread" by liturgical enthusiasts. This week we'll hear about the miraculous feeding of the five thousand.

Service Bulletin

Watch this week's service on YouTube
Rummage & Bake Sale
Annual rummage sale Saturday, July 27, 8:30 am to 1 pm. Gently used items. Bring donated, baked goods for church tables on Friday, July 26, 6 to 8 pm or rent a table/space (for $25 each) to sell your items. Featuring baked goods, artisan crafters, local Ottawa author, free cold drinks, raffle (hand-made baby blanket)! Volunteers needed for set-up, pricing, sales, takedown. Info: office@epiphanyanglican.ca.
Building Restoration Update
Corporation and Property Committee is pleased to report on progress to date and expected next steps on the restoration of our beloved building.
Click to Read the Update
Epiphany Wish List
If you have a wish or can fulfil one, send an email to the Wishlist Coordinator: wishlist@epiphanyanglican.ca. The names of wish-ers and wish fulfillers will remain confidential.

This Week's Wishes: No wishes this week!

Epiphany Swag Committee
Do you have a passion for design and want to help with a community-building fundraiser? Join Epiphany’s new Swag Committee! We’ll be designing and ordering merchandise branded with Epiphany’s logo for sale as a fundraiser and as gifts to welcome our newest members. Please see Rev. Simone or Shelley Harvey if you’d like to help.
Teens: Save-the-Date
After the success of the Lenten "Difference" sessions held together with St. Margaret’s, Rachelle, Rev. Simone and Rev. Colin are planning to run "Difference for Youth Groups" this fall and next spring. Please save the following dates: Sept 27, Oct 4, 11, 18, 2024 & March 21, 28 & April 4, 2025.
Visit "the Difference for Youth Groups" website
Creative Connections
Join us on Tuesdays between 10 am and noon. All are welcome to come, enjoy a cup of coffee and join in a friendly game of cards or chess, or bring a project you are working on.
Epiphany Study Group: On Summer Hiatus
Watch this space for information on our fall education offerings. Email epiphanystudygroup@gmail.com to be added to our mailing list.
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Come Journey With Us

Epiphany is an Anglican community called to love God and our neighbours as ourselves. Join us for Sunday service, in person at 1290 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa. You can also worship online on Facebook or YouTube.

Are you new? Visit About Epiphany to find out what to expect at services and Get Involved to learn about Sunday school, adult education and volunteer opportunities.

Welcome from our Incumbent (Senior Pastor), the Rev. Simone Hurkmans

A Vibrant Community for Every Season of Your Life

  • Baptisms, confirmations, marriages, funerals,  celebrations of life
  • Sunday school
  • Youth group
  • Adult Christian education
  • Music (choir and worship band)
  • Pastoral services (pastoral visits, home Communion)
  • Prayer list (contact us to get your name added)

Sunday Services

Summer schedule (June 23 to September 8)

Sundays, 9:30 am, in person and online on Facebook and YouTube

  • Holy Eucharist
  • Organ, piano and congregational singing
  • Social time with coffee, tea, juice and treats after the service

Regular schedule (September 15 to end of June)

Sundays, 8:30 am, in person

  • Holy Eucharist
  • Spoken service

Sundays, 10:30 am, in person and online on Facebook and YouTube

  • Holy Eucharist
  • Organ, piano and choir with worship band at special services
  • Sunday school
  • Social time with coffee, tea, juice and treats after the service

Epiphany Calendar

Looking for the volunteer schedule? See the latest version.

Giving to Epiphany

How to give

Contact us

Phone: 613-746-9278

Email: office@epiphanyanglican.ca

Address: 1290 Ogilvie Road, Ottawa, ON K1J 1H5

Office hours: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, 10 am to 1 pm

Phone or email for an appointment

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